Friday, February 6, 2009

Get Things Done!!

I'm sure you wish there were things that you got done yesterday, last week, last month and last year that probably still have not gotten done. Have you asked yourself why?

One thing that you have to understand is setting goals is very important in life, saying you need or want to do something is great. It is an essential part of life that just about every knows about.  

Maybe you've heard... "Put your mind to something and do it."

or.... "Think big and follow your dreams."

These phrases are all correct but there's only one problem with these quick phrases they do not have any relevance of the things that go on between where you are sitting now and whatever that goal may be. 

Society has been taught that achieving success is easy, and that is exactly what these two quotes progress, I mean how hard is it to think BIG, I’m thinking about a new Audi R8 right now; that's pretty big I would say.

That road between point A and point B has been depleted by the human race it is still there in reality but only few pay attention to this path.

You have to understand that in order to get somewhere, or get something done you must take action. I am not saying just go out and do a whole bunch of work just for the hell of it but I am saying take small steps towards that goal. Map out what needs to be done in order to achieve this goal, for example.

Lets say you want to graduate college with a good degree... steps towards that would be:

Select the courses that will take you through to graduation.

Actually attend class on a regular basis.

Pay attention in class.

Study outside of the classroom so you can retain a lot more information.

Complete homework assignments....

I can go on and on about the steps to get to graduation. But I am sure you see the point, the point is everything you achieve in life is done in small portions to create a big result. EVERYTHING!! So you must apply this to your everyday life to make sure the things you want are for filled. 

Go get a day planner or use your phone if it has a calendar and actually map out your days what are you going to do and when, when are you going to have free time, when are you just going to put your nose in a good book just for your leisure?

Map these things out not only will you know what you need to do and when but your schedule will open up a lot more because you actually have set times that you have created for specific tasks and as long as you stick to it life will be so much more simpler. 

Leave your feedback it is greatly appreciated and subscribe to my blog to stay up to date.

Need a plan B?


Wow it's been awhile since I've posted to MY OWN blog!!

How does this happen you tell yourself I am going to make a blog today and I am going to keep up with it as much as possible, everyday if I can...

Its been a little over 2 weeks since I've posted but it seems just like yesterday that I made my last posting, it makes almost no since....

Well I take that back. 

There are exactly 86,400 seconds that every person on this earth has the opportunity to take advantage of daily. Yes that number seems like a lot but look how fast it happens. It feels like just yesterday that Bush was elected in office, I was hard for me to believe it was already 2009. 

What happened to 2008, that's 31,536,000 seconds that felt like a millisecond when we look back upon it.

You may be reading this and saying well Bryson what's your point.

My point is time flies by way too fast not to be doing the things we love in life not to be taking advantage of every opportunity that is presented to us. We can't be like the old man stuck in the rising flood...

An old man stuck in his house as flood waters are rising and 2 men on a boat come by and tell him to come on there's no way he will survive. The old man replies I am okay God will save me.

Flood waters continue to rise he is now on the second floor and another boat with 6 people comes by and says come on the water is still rising we have to leave. The old man replies I am okay God will save me.

A few hours later the old man is on the roof and a helicopter flies over and drops a latter and say climb up you will drown. The old man replies I am okay God will save me. 

The old man died, and when he arrived in Heaven he ran to God and said; God why didn't you save me.

God replied, I sent 2 boats and a helicopter what more do you want?

The moral of this story is to not take your opportunities for granite take advantage of everything put forth in front of you. If you are going to do something do it all out 100% give it your all because you never know when the day will come were you wont be able to do any of it. 

Take complete control over your life and be as successful as you want to become regardless of the obstacles you run into. 

Leave your feedback and subscribe in order to stay up to date. 

Need a plan B?

Click here and make a difference!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Day Ahead

Well right now it is 9:30 AM here in Denver and I am sure there are plenty of people out there trying to figure out what they are going to do in the next 12 or so hour period....

Three things will happen today, there will be those that have a very busy schedule with work, school or whatever it may be that will complete their tasks anywhere between 4 PM and 8PM. Then they will go home a do what we call "relax".

Then there's the ones that will have absolutely nothing to do today sit there and ponder what they can do and while they're pondering they are still doing absolutely NOTHING!!

Then there's the rare breed the one that is busy all day but wants to better their life at every cost necessary, this is what I call a STAR. Most of them hate where they are in life today but they don't focus on where they are but where they are going to be....

Are you going to be a STAR today??

Make that change today!

Don't miss out subscribe to my RSS Feed and stay up to date... COME WATCH ME BURN!!

Take Charge of Your Life Today!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pure Excitement!!


I'm not sure exactly how to the excitement in me at this point in time. This is simply nuts and no I don't expect you to know exactly what I am talking about at this moment I will get to that later in this post. 

Listen folks I am not sure if you have ever hit that point in your life where you simply have a break through or you see a break through in the near future in some area of your life. But I just have to say I have, and it is simply an incredible feeling to know that in 3 months, 6 months, 12 months however far you want to look down the line that your life will simply be DIFFERENT!!

I don't know where any of you stand in life but I am sure there are some people that are irritated and sick and tired about where they stand in life. It doesn't matter what it is it could be your attitude, your success level, your happiness, your relationships, or financials it simply DOESN'T MATTER!!

What you should be worried about is what your going to do about it!!! What are you doing about it right not? Are you sitting back complaining about the way your life is going right now, or are you telling yourself you know what I could be making this better I could be doing better. 

What can you do right now to start the process of turning  your life around?

These are the things you have to think about,  if you sit back and complain and complain and complain. Guess what your going to get.... more complaining!!!
Stop to complaining and change your life. But don't stop there..... Why not help others change their life, I believe the only way to feel fore-filling on this earth is to add value to world in some way or another, I don't car what it is as long as your happy doing it.. DO IT!!!

Look if you are wondering what I am so excited about and what is changing the courses of mine and other peoples lives day after day click this link. 

Feel free to contact me leave comments I simply do not care if you are passionate about changing your life DO IT!! Don't say next year I want to do this, next year is too long make that decision of change today and be that change you want!! 

Subscribe to my RSS feed stay involved stay up to date, I don't care if you join to watch me light on fire and burn but if you simply want to see success grow and grow fast, simply get involved and subscribe. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Legal System Disgusts Me!!!

By me being a coach of a high school basketball team this particular story my hit me quite a bit harder than others...

But fact of the mater is the legal system is truly broke, I do not understand how in any shape or form of human logic that an injury to an athlete during field play is by any means the coaches fault. Yes there could be situations where the coach could have some fault, but come on folks a kid getting hit in the face with a baseball on a line drive that the kid decided to dive for. He said himself that he could not see the ball because the sun was in his eyes.

For one the coach can not control entirely where or how the ball is hit, and for two the coach definitely can not control where the sun lays or the direction the field faces. These factors are really the only things in this situation not including the kid himself; so how is this logical for a viable lawsuit?

I know America is the most litigious society in the world but come on AMERICA!! We have people suing companies for not moving their scheduled birthday parties from upstairs to downstairs.... This is flat out ridiculous.

AMERICA were and when does the tearing down of our own society STOP??


Exciting news today...

I just got out of a meeting with a start up game development company here in Denver, Co and have landed my first Game Dev. opportunity, doing 3D Design for this company that seems to have a great future in their specific game genre....

Work from this project can not be posted so my works within this project will be kept under wraps not sure how much I will speak on it but due to the contract written by the company public viewing rights are not open during the time of production.... Sorry!!

Subscribe to my RSS Feed to stay up to date daily!! 


I would like to start off with a big THANK YOU!! to those out there that have taken the time to visit my blog.... please leave your comments and suggestions on my posts and please don't be hesitant to leave your criticism. Take my word for it none of it will be taken personal my blog is written not for my own personal gratitude it is being written to serve a purpose of the people(YOU)!!

I am sincerely sorry for those of you that don't know me....

And I do not suspect that you read my about me section that is not your responsibility and I am sure it was not your reason for visiting this blog. But anyway to the point right..... 
My name is Bryson Creighton I am a 19 year old male residing here in Denver, Colorado. I am currently a student at the University of Denver looking to get my Computer Science and Animation Degree. I am a very art savvy and creative individual which I will be surly expressing throughout the life of my blogging career. But enough about me yes this blog happens to be written by me but it is not for me... it's for YOU and YOUR FRIENDS!! So leave me feed back and let me know what you would like to see, and what you like and dislike.

Subscribe to my RSS Feed so you are updated daily on what is going on, it is greatly appreciated.