Friday, January 16, 2009


I would like to start off with a big THANK YOU!! to those out there that have taken the time to visit my blog.... please leave your comments and suggestions on my posts and please don't be hesitant to leave your criticism. Take my word for it none of it will be taken personal my blog is written not for my own personal gratitude it is being written to serve a purpose of the people(YOU)!!

I am sincerely sorry for those of you that don't know me....

And I do not suspect that you read my about me section that is not your responsibility and I am sure it was not your reason for visiting this blog. But anyway to the point right..... 
My name is Bryson Creighton I am a 19 year old male residing here in Denver, Colorado. I am currently a student at the University of Denver looking to get my Computer Science and Animation Degree. I am a very art savvy and creative individual which I will be surly expressing throughout the life of my blogging career. But enough about me yes this blog happens to be written by me but it is not for me... it's for YOU and YOUR FRIENDS!! So leave me feed back and let me know what you would like to see, and what you like and dislike.

Subscribe to my RSS Feed so you are updated daily on what is going on, it is greatly appreciated. 

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